Tourism in Algeria before independance
From 1848 until independence, Algeria was considered as a département of France. A significant population of French people lived at that time in Algeria. Algeria was too a common touristic destination for French people in the years 1950. This travel brochure (summer 1953) did the promotion of Algeria with the following slogan: “Sunny holidays, sea holidays: holidays in Algeria”.
About this Algerian touristic brochure
Vintage 13,2 x 21 cm 8 pages brochure published by the Office algérien d’action économique et touristique to promote Algeria to French tourists.
Title: “Vacances au Soleil, vacances à la Mer, Vacances en Algérie”
Creator: N/A
Published : Aux Presses multiples, Chartres, 1953
Language: French
Ref / Date: TE-AL-1953-A / ?