History of Norddeutscher Lloyd
The Norddeutscher Lloyd shipping company was launched in 1857 by Eduard Crüsemann and Hermann Meier of Bremen in North Germany (Norddeutscher means North German in German). In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was one of the most important shipping company of Germany. Bremen and its harbour, Bremerhaven, was the starting point of all the Norddeutscher Lloyd lines.
About this travel luggage label
Set of three labels (8,4 x 12,5 cm / 6,4 x 9,2 cm / 4,3 x 6,5 cm) displaying three ships of the Norddeutscher Lloyd fleet: Bremen, Europa & Columbia.
Title: “Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen”
Creator: Possibly Bernd Steiner
Ref / Date: TLM-A-1930s-A / 2013